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What Does S.T.O.P Mean?
S.T.O.P means Save The Old Ponies, and thats exactly what I'm trying to do here:D

All You Have To Do . . .
All you have to do to help is tell everyone on your list to e-mail Hasbro at once:P
If you get a good reply please tell me, but if you just get a reply saying something like'Thankyou for e-mailing us' try again.
Everybody has to do it at once(I mean e-mail Hasbro, otherwise it won't work.
When Hasbro gets all of these e-mails saying how much people want the old ponies back they'll have to answer!

Other Save MLP Sites
The other sites are:
The 20th Anniversary

Email Me!

Links to Other Sites
The 20th Anniversary